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The National Pedagogical College “Gheorghe Lazar” distinguishes itself within the Romanian educational environment as a college with a distinctly expressed national outlook. Having at its foundation the famous Normal School for Teachers in Cluj which addressed the educational needs of thousands of elementary-school teachers who subsequently contributed to the development of modern education in Transylvania, The National Pedagogical College “Gheorghe Lazar” is presently renowned for The Cultural Distinction bestowed by The Romanian Academy (2011), as well as for being a European School and the winner of the most important competition for pupils organized by The European Parliament in Strasbourg – Euroscola, 2011. At the same time, the school has gained recognition for conducting European programs and for high quality in education, being the first in acquiring performances shown through first rate results (grade 10) for national evaluation, baccalaureate, having quality graduates, elementary-school teachers, high-school teachers and even parents. The College has a strongly affirmed profile at national level represented both by holding the presidency of The National Association of Pedagogical Colleges and High-Schools and the title of The Trainer of the Year in the context of 2012 Competition 10 for Cluj, as well as by being actively involved in partnerships with Cluj School Inspectorate and The Ministry of National Education, Bucharest.
During the school year 2012-2013, the College students brought together more than 80 prizes and distinctions, among which 10 prizes were awarded in international competitions and 26 in national competitions and academic excellence.

Darius Catinas
Darius Cătinaş
Champion National Schools’ Evaluation 2013
Adelina Has
Adelina Haş
Champion National Baccalaureate 2013
Mircea Bertea
prof.dr. Mircea Bertea
School Trainer of the Year
The Competition: 10 for Cluj
Medalie de aur Colegiu Gheorghe Lazăr
The Golden Medal
Gh. Lazar National Pedagogical College